Why You Have to Be Consistent & Focused When Building a Team

Are you ready to build a team?

Sponsoring (or recruiting) however you prefer to call it, in network marketing or direct sales can be scary for some people, it was for me when I added my first team member and my team now stands at 3,000 people. So why do you have to be consistent and focused when building a team in network marketing?

If you talk to those who have successfully built a network marketing business and who are at the “top” levels of the marketing plan you will find that 99% of those consultants have very large downline teams. If that is where you aspire to be someday… you need to get “busy” now with building your own team and that means you need to recruit and to recruit heavily!

For those who are new to network marketing or direct sales… sponsoring people into your network (your team) is one of the most successful ways to reach the top of the ladder within the company you are working with or for. This means you need to be adding newly recruited team members to your own team on a constant basis and weekly basis.

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Over time you will find that members who join your team or your downline’s team will come and go (for whatever reason) so you need to be constantly adding new team members to your team on a consistent basis and trust me when I say it’s a 1:10 ratio. For every 10 people you bring into your business, probably only one will do anything so don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, you’re not - it’s just the way it is. You can always look at it as a personal challenge, to make sure its a 5:10 ratio and that would be incredible!

The Numbers

As I mentioned above, sponsoring is usually all about the numbers. I once met a girl who had built her team up to 43 consultants + herself. She then took 6 months off from team building and at the end of those 6 months her team totally fell apart and she was left with 5 members standing and doing anything. What did she do wrong? Well, she took 6 months off from sponsoring and quit adding new members to her team! Like I previously stated…consultants come & go on the flip f a coin so you need to be constantly adding new members! Do not take long periods of time off from sponsoring - you’ve been warned!

If you want to get yourself to the top of the ladder I totally recommend you “try your hardest” to add a minimum of 5-10 new team members to your team each and every month! You need to train your newly added members to go out and sponsor (and to do this consistently also) so that those branches of your tree to continue to grow as you work on growing the main trunk of your tree (your immediate downline team).

If you set a goal of a minimum of 5 new recruits per month…after 12 months you will have a minimum of 60 direct team members. Let’s say that your downline team during that same period of time (one year) brings in another 50 team members to your team…you now have 110 members on your team within just 1 year. On the flip of the dime…you know that not all 110 of those members are going to stay for the long haul and let’s say during that 1 year period of time that 40 leave…you are now back to and you lost the residual income of those 40…that is a BIG DENT in your monthly commission, so we have to take responsibility and keep building and adding to our tree to allow for branches dropping off!

We’re Constantly Moving and Shaking

Team building is a very important part of your business, you need to be constantly recruiting and building your team to reach the top of the compensation plan. As you climb that ladder you will be adding to your income stream…after all, most people are in network marketing and direct sales to make money and to make as much money as they can. Sponsoring/recruiting is one of the biggest ways you can add to your income stream and create a residual income for many years to come.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and do some recruiting!

This is one of my favourite sayings and I share it with my team all the time…

Your business is like a deck of cards

You are going to turn over some three’s and fours when searching, but you will also find some king’s and queens
Don’t be fooled by the jokers, they will always show up but they aces are there somewhere
If you’re not shuffling and dealing those cards every day though, you may never find those aces!

Save these tips!

Be sure to save these tips for future reference. Simply pin the image below to Pinterest and I hope you’ll follow my Facebook group for getting ‘more social' online’ Let’s Get Social while you’re at it!

Have you started to team build yet? I’d love to know

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#networkmarketing #fmworld #directsales #workfromhometips #leadership #teambuilding #focused


My 10 Top Tips to help boost building your team

My 10 Top Tips to help boost building your team

So how did I do it? What was my secret?

So like many of you I also hear this all the time; I don’t know anyone, I haven’t got the time, the goldfish just died (but seriously I did have this once but it was a guinea pig and a week off to grieve was needed!) or I have tried and I only have four team members and can’t do it (so in other words excuses)

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