6 Reasons you need to start making a newsletter, today!

So you want to reach out to your customers but don’t know how to, you just know that you need to be doing something a little bit more than reaching out to them on social media?

Have you heard all the experts say ‘money is in the list?’ It’s true, creating your own email to send to everyone on your list is priceless and helps you connect to people with your own targeted content and will strengthen the ‘know, like & trust’ factor so much more. You have full control of your content. Everyone in direct sales and network marketing should have a newsletter.


Let’s jump right in with 6 reasons you need to start making a newsletter, today!

  1. Build Relationships with your fans and to strengthen your credibility as an expert, leader, coach and consultant in your company STAND OUT!

  2. Get your specially chosen content out there including offers, tips, online events you are running soon, get product reviews in-front of the people who matter most, your loyal followers, customers and raving fans.

  3. Drive sales choosing the timing of your newsletter’s delivery to coincide with perhaps a company product promotion, a great blog post you have done that your fans will love or a special offer you are creating (his & hers fragrance of the month at wholesale for example) this really can help increase your volume and months sales efforts.

  4. Increase web traffic when you write a newsletter you can drop in links to other valuable things like articles and offers that will send people to your web site and help you get those figures up for your google analytics and look at posts that are juicy that will get people looking at other content you have done and they might just check out your products, opportunity or services (because now, there starting to trust you more!). You also now have regular content to share on a weekly basis ‘Have you signed up to my newsletter yet?’

  5. Grow your social media community writing a newsletter should always have at the footer your links to social media and as a ‘wrap up’ something like…if you enjoyed this months newsletter why not come and hang out with me over on Facebook, this is what I’m discussing over the next few weeks
    Week 1 - Hair care
    Week 2 - Skin care for 20+
    Week 3 - Banishing cellulite
    Week 4 - Home care tips & tricks

  6. Team Training, this has been far the most time saving and rewarding piece of work I have ever done and pulled together, I just have to dip in every couple of months to update and add anything I think new members would benefit from.

    Team training newsletters: I have a 10-day training for my team Foundations to Success (which has been duplicated on Manychat) to release daily with a bonus training video which covers the most important things to do when starting out to help them grow their business fast. Team newsletters take time to put together, but once there done - you can then focus on other parts of your business, knowing that your new members are plugging in to super valuable content that if they follow will help them bring in sales. You can then add follow up sequences where a messaged is released at months 3 - 5 - 7 - 10 & 12 following up with their plans and how they are getting on. Keeping in touch this way lets your team know you are still around and there to help should they need it. Every team leader should be using automation and newsletters are a great way to do it and get started. I LOVE AUTOMATION!

Key parts to planning and preparing for creating your VIP newsletter

Welcome to (month)
HQ UPDATES (whats been happening with you in life & business - 300 words)
Product of the month at subscriber prices
Your theme and topics they will see over on your other channels
On the blog (reminders of the previous months content)
Quote of the week/month, it could even be an oracle card with a them for the month ahead (who doesn’t love a bit of izzy wizzy!!)

I use Trello (trello.com) to plan my content for blogging and newsletters, whenever I get an idea or a spare 30 mins I will login and update what I will be sending, then by the end of the month it is complete, without having to do a last minute write up there and then - working as you go throughout the month helps you pull together something super interesting for your fans.

What newsletter system do I use?

I use Mailchimp as my chosen platform, it is free for your first 2,000 subscribers or 12,000 emails. I once used Madmimi which is even easier to use than Mailchimp but it is pricier and you start paying at $10 for only 500 and you will soon get to that point, and I’m all about saving money wherever you can, you are in business to make money when starting out and if you don’t need it, don’t buy it!
Mailchimp also gives a huge discount (as does canva) to non-profit organisations, go check them out and get signed up (to both!)

If you would like to create your own newsletter, watch my quick 20 minute tutorial below, it walks you through everything you need to do, to produce your first newsletter using Mailchimp.


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6 reasons you should have a newsletter for your direct sales and network marketing customers. Click through to read the article and to watch my step-by-step video on how to make your first customer newsletter using Mailchimp  #newslettercreation #ma…

6 reasons you should have a newsletter for your direct sales and network marketing customers. Click through to read the article and to watch my step-by-step video on how to make your first customer newsletter using Mailchimp

#newslettercreation #mailchimp #workfromphone


Do you currently have a monthly or fortnightly newsletter for your customers?

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