How to create a weekly theme on social media that gives you more engagement 52 weeks of the year!

Do you go onto your Facebook or Instagram accounts and get sick of seeing sales posts and wish someone would post something useful instead?
Yes, me to, and this is why you will love my weekly system for planning our your content for 12 months and WITHOUT mentioning a product name, price or your company name!

How to create a weekly theme on social media that gives you more engagement 52 weeks of the year!

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I love a good product promotion week using curiosity posts, tips & questions and usually always have a weekly theme (a problem/area of interest/colour week/season trends like summer holidays, camping, self tanning etc) and I like to end my theme on a Friday with a weekend long special offer (and ideally a 5 min live demo about it or a video)

So what will you be talking about for the rest of this week and having a weekend discount or sale with?

Watch this video as I talk about how you can break your brochure down and start to think about problem areas and topics you can talk about that week using the jab, jab, jab right hook method by Gary Vaynerchuk.


What can you plan for next week?

Let’s go over it again and how you will break down your brochure into 12 section (months) focusing on a product range or problem per month, these will be your focus topics. Then break that down further into four sub-categories (you now have four weeks of problems related to that product YOU can help solve)

Here’s an example below (you can do eyes, lips, weight loss, home care, skin care and so much more - just look in your brochure)

Let’s choose CELLULITE as our topic for the week and this topic will always prove a big issue in men and women.

So let’s start with a plan/strategy which is to increase engagement on social media (through asking questions and giving value) and to increase our own product knowledge, along with that of your customers.

1) Now it’s time go and do your homework and do some research, pick up the brochure and do some searches on google and search for relevant tips and tweak them to your own voice!!
2) Create questions that will get a response from your viewers and then you can elaborate on their answers with a conversation and then take it to private message offering them a product sample or some more information on the product that helped you (or colleague)
3) Create a Note on Facebook (will be your own mini blog post, pull of product info and benefits)

REMEMBER people go on social media NOT to be sold to, they want to be entertained, enlightened, educated and giggle so no mention of products or pricing JAB, JAB, JAB RIGHT HOOK (Friday is your only day to scream out about your product and mention your offers on your posts, because all week they have started to trust you that you're not spamming them, your giving them some form of value)

You will use your business page as the platform to promote your themes, you can then direct people to joining your group from here and if they order within that month they can take part in your monthly customer VIP bingo game with prizes (always dangle those carrots)

Please remember to always end a status with a question or a on a scale of 1-10, this is where your relationships will be built, the conversations that you start.

Monday 7am
Where do you suffer cellulite the most (add an image of cellulite - added it below for you)

A. Arms
B. Thighs
C. Butt cheeks
D. Every region known to man

Which do you feel more confident wearing when on holiday
A. Full bathing suit
B. Two Piece bikini
C. The faithful mix of both, the Tankini


Share some tips from google, 5 ways to get rid of cellulite (why not create a note on your biz page and create an article) ADD how cellulite looks beneath skin image

formation of cellulite.jpg
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WEDNESDAY 7am (what else could you add for an evening post?)
Add a funny meme about cellulite (added below - try finding your own also - search on google or pinterest)

dog cellulite.jpg


Ask the question 'Have you ever used supplements to get rid of cellulite?' maybe add some of the benefits the brochure says about the ingredients

Also add the image of the capsules or product you are talking about (below image) BUT DO NOT MENTION THE NAME OR PRICE just the photo!!

Keep them guessing and wanting to know more. You get your chance tomorrow.

anti cellulite.jpg

FRIDAY or SATURDAY - Your day to shine and shout out loud about your amazing offer!!

Go live (or add video) talking about your supplement (or product cream) and give your customers an offer they cannot refuse £21 for 30 day supply is our Nutricode anti-cellulite capsules (retails at £31) 97 points each - you only have to sell 3 and your 300 points are nearly done!

Give your customer it discounted, then offer them the amazing opportunity to register for free as a wholesale customer, where they can order their next month supply at the same price (avoiding the £31 regular customer price) they should be by then, already seeing results and happy to order more!

Watch me share with you one of my team members and her business pages weekly themes follow Claire over on her business page HERE and take inspiration from her posts and re-create them into your own.


That it folks, this is how to create a weekly theme on social media that gives you more engagement 52 weeks of the year and you really can create a 5-day series of questions/topics on virtually anything!

Now it’s time to get creative and make a plan, remember to use ‘Days of the Year’ to help you slot in your topics and weekly themes.

If you enjoyed this article I’d love for you to share it and pin it to one of your Pinterest boards using the image below.

How to create a weekly theme on social media that gives you more engagement 52 weeks of the year!  #engagement #workfromhomemum #facebookquestions #facebookengagement #fmworld

How to create a weekly theme on social media that gives you more engagement 52 weeks of the year!

#engagement #workfromhomemum #facebookquestions #facebookengagement #fmworld


I hope you found this article helpful, let me know in the comments below and if you have any questions at all, come on over to my Facebook group where I share regular tips and tricks on building a business online.