Sharon Howat

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How to host a Facebook Live Open House


This time we are just going to go for it, live on Facebook and showing everyone who you are, why you joined your company and the benefits of the products will have for them in only 30-45 minutes, once a month!

Here’s my own 30-minute training on how to run a live Facebook Open House, check out how I edited the LIVE TITLE later so I could encourage more shares and team members!


This is a great habit to get into, just like monthly opportunity events. Create some excitement 1 week before by sharing a game and the winner will be announced at the live event or promote your product giveaway like I did on this Facebook Live at the start to encourage sharing, engagement and more interaction during the LIVE event.

Your 30-45 minute event is in 6 parts (and a guide to timings to help you stay on track)
1) 1 minute – Intro and prize giveaway for shares (welcome chat, #replay, #newbie, #regular or location)
2) 2 minutes – Company history, what do they do
3) 15 minutes – Talk about the products & benefits
4) 5 minutes – Share your story. Why did you join – ask for people to join your team and the benefits
5) 2 minutes – Can you do a Live 2-minute product demo?
6) 5 minutes – Close and your CTA (call to action). Thank you for joining, please remember to share this live to enter the draw and if you would like to join my team and get products at wholesale please look at the link above the replay.

Team Training

Here is a video of my 30 minute training on creating an open house. 

My Open House

This is a recording of an actual live open house where I even play hook a duck. I hope you take lot's of ideas and inspiration for creating your own - get out there and get social with your friends, customers and potential team members!

I hope these ideas have helped you and gave you some more confidence to set up your first open house which would be great for your customers to build up trust by joining you with these once a month events.

I’d love or you to share the image below on Pinterest, come find me over there HERE

Pop a comment below or come on over to my business page on Facebook, you’ll find me hanging out there all day!

See this form in the original post