Sharon Howat

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10 Tips To Help Grow Your Instagram Following With Your Network Marketing Business

Over the last ten years since I started building a business online, along with my network marketing business, I have spent the majority of my time teaching other network marketers what I have learned in social media by sharing my tips and tricks which may also help them move their business forward online like it has done mine. I am so thankful for the opportunities I have had since I started my work from home business, especially the opportunities to train with some of the best of the best in the social media space and I have always felt a calling to share what I know and be able to help someone else who is new and just starting out (you are going to learn so much and fast forward past all my own mistakes, and I made a few!)

Of all the platforms that I teach, I have found that the one I am the most passionate about and have the most fun with, is Instagram.  For me, it is the easiest to share who I really am, my strengths, my weaknesses, my vulnerabilities and everything in between. It is the one platform, I have no problem staying consistent with and it feels like it’s the only one that doesn’t box me into one particular topic or follower. I can honestly say, I feel like Instagram has really helped me figure out what I like to do, what I like to talk about and who I can hopefully inspire along the way.

This now brings me on to this post, I get a ton (and I mean a shit load) of questions about Instagram, so I wanted to share with you guys a few of my tips about how to grow your Instagram that has really worked for me and may help you also. I absolutely love engaging on my INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT so come and say hello!

Here are just a few things that can really help you improve and see growth on your Instagram account. Remember, you must always use your own creative mindset when it comes to any Instagram tips because ultimately this is your account. It should always reflect you and your message.

1. Make your bio unique and make your account PUBLIC

The bio should consist of facts about you that will relate to people following you. You can include your blog address, your email and things that will make people want to read more. Make them want to head on over to that blog on the very next click or join your team. Make life easy for them.

  • I will start off with the importance of having a public Instagram account. If I scroll to connect and see what you’’re about and I see your account is set to private, I am not going to follow you or engage and will just scroll on by. This is a super common thing for people to do, so don’t be one of those secret agents and have a private account if you are wanting to build network and use Instagram as your go-to platform.

  • Set your account to business or creator for the ‘Insights’ that you will start to track.
    The choice is yours they both have slightly different features. My account is set to creator because I do a lot of storytelling and video. I am a content creator. and I’m a micro-influencer in my niche. My sales profile is set to business. Instagram wants to separate business from influence so brought out the creator account option. Which are you?

    Side note: creator accounts get access to music, some different insights like gender, age, location, and your inbox allow you to ‘file’ people’s messages into relevance/importance. Business accounts do not allow music due to being a business and laws on playing music in a business.

    Business accounts are great if you are a bricks-and-mortar business and also perhaps you use a scheduler tool to post to Instagram, I prefer to plan my content out 7-days in advance using PLANOLY and manually push my posts through so I am there and ready to engage!

    (hit the burger icon on the to right of your bio screen (checkout my image on the right there, check out the three lines in the top right corner, that’s the burger)

  • Who are you? What do you do? Who do you love? What do you love to do? What will you provide people? What should your followers know about you? Why should they even give a shit?

  • Don’t be afraid to change your bio. I change mine up every few weeks, even if its the slightest thing.

  • Use emojis on every line to stand out and remember your first three lines are visible so make those count and on your fourth line why not add a CALL TO ACTION to encourage people to take action and click the link you added on your profile, I use JOIN ME or sometimes switch it up to say FREEBIES with the pointing down emoji.

  • Make sure you list ways people can find you. Make it easy for people to connect with you and they must be one click away from being able to get to your blog or your replica website. I use and have a domain address that looks more professional and takes people straight to the goodies.

    *By the time you read this, I may have even created my own landing page on my website and sent the clicks right to me and my google analytics instead of!

2. Make it clear on your account (and bio) who you are and who you serve

When someone ends up on your account, it should be clear to everyone who you are, what you do and what your account will provide for someone else. A big part of Instagram is interacting so when you comment on other’s photos, people can immediately browse your account and see what you are all about and want to come to follow you (remember… how can you serve them? Do you have amazing shit (aka value/tips/ideas) they want?

  • Be sure your handle (@) fits your brand. You should be easily identifiable if someone is searching for you. If your URL is not your exact name, be sure your name is in your description. MAKE IT EASY for people to find you and know they have found the right account.

  • Choose a profile photo of yourself. One that fits your brand and represents you. Be sure this is up to date and usually a nice smiling shot does best.

3. Be Consistent! 

This one is huge, it should be #1 really, but didn’t quite fit in there, so it’s at #3 but it’s so important to your Insta success!

Growing your Instagram account is a commitment. If you want your Instagram to grow you have to stay consistent and whenever you can, jump into Insta and engage and comment with all your followers and those on the hashtags you are following

  • Post at least once a day. When starting to build up your account post twice a day but not post after post, try 1 am or 11.30 am and at 9 pm then take it from there.
    Just remember, above anything, Instagram is about ‘daily commitment’, that is if you really want to grow your Instagram, so knuckle down and decide how often you can post quality pictures and stick with it and engage, engage, engage.

  • While staying consistent, don’t get carried away and over-gram! Leave a good 4 hours between your posts if you really do need to post more than once a day. If you take 10 great photos, choose one to post & maybe post the others to a different social media or save them for a different day.

  • Pay attention to when your followers respond. Teach them to turn your post and story notifications on.  Figure out what times work best for you and stick with those times so that your followers can rely on when you will be posting.

  • I like posting during people just before their lunch breaks & at night between 7.30-9.30 pm when many of my peeps have been known to be scrolling.

The biggest way to grow your IG account is to just keep posting. You can improve in every area, but you can’t make anything better if you disappear (just like on your Facebook accounts!) be there, be seen and then you’ll be noticed!

It really is important to show up and share your journey and your thoughts and your ideas. Don’t overcomplicate it. Just tell your daily story and watch your following grow. It’s your own channel, so are you ON AIR or OFF?

4. Quality photos ONLY (no crappy screenshots from google!)

This should be another on the #1 slot. If your photos don’t look pretty, people just aren’t going to want to follow your account.

People who love Instagram love to be inspired by visuals and are drawn to seeing those pretty photos. More importantly, YOUR pretty photos. 

You have the power in the palm of your hand. Your phone can take amazing photos. Take the time to take them. Pay attention to the lighting. Clean your lens before every photo and yes edit your photos to make them stand out. 

Quote graphics are great but they really are the easy way out and once you’ve seen one google screenshot quote, you’ve seen them all, so make that quote stand out and a different way. A few here and there are OK, but people want to see your photos, your life, your lessons.

  • Pay attention to your feed. It should look uniform and consistent. Using the same editing style for all your photos will help you achieve this.

  • Go through your profile and archive the photos that don’t fit your brand (meals, kids, potty training,getting pissed (but sometimes that can fit with your brand… I use that pretty often!) take away all those product after product posts unless your account is 100% product, do it in a classy way and don’t then suddenly mix your feed up with you and days out. Think about maybe having a separate ‘you’ account (like I have) which I share my life as a team leader, wife, mum and coach with lots of behind the scenes, training clips and meet ups - its the account where I show people the face behind the business and a peek into my life and what makes me and the business tick!

  • Change things up in your feed to keep people coming back. Post personal photos, closes ups, full rooms shots, your life, pets. Keep things interesting so that you know when someone visits your feed, they will click follow. They want to know you but make sure that before you post that image think this… ‘do they actually give a shit about that photo and what will they get from it’ if it’s nothing - DON’T POST IT!

  • You want your entire profile to look consistent and aesthetically pleasing.

5. Follow people with the same interests as you and who you can have genuine conversations with, can you be relatable?

Find people in your interest community to follow.  Search hashtags that you like and will be able to find those people at, find other business owners or bloggers who your ideal customers will be following and follow them. Build relationships and start conversations.

  • Comment on other accounts & really be active on Instagram. Leaving only a heart on someones image is seriously a wasted effort by you, heart it and leave at least a 5 word ‘genuine’ comment, maybe end it with a question so the person posting should reply and Instagram see you as someone who is a nice member of their community and will reward you with more eyeballs on your content!

  • The more consistent on Instagram you are, the more you show up, the more people will be able to find you because Instagram see you as a valuable member of their community!. Don’t be a creepy lurker and post once in a while and think that your account will grow, because that will lower you Instagram ranking with Instagram, they will see you as a lurker and not promote anything you do. If you are constantly popping up, people will click on your name, check out your feed and decide if they want to follow you and get to know you.

  • Interaction is KEY! Send direct messages to people. Respond to comments. Engage on peoples polls on their stories. Leave a comment with a question. Post on other accounts feeds. This is far more important than actually posting and Instagram will reward you for this.

6. Hashtags 

OMG here’s another one that should be at #1.

Hashtags MUST be used on EVERY SINGLE PHOTO! Hashtags make your photos searchable and allow new people to find you. Instagram give you 30 - so when starting out, use what your mama gave you!

  • Keep your favourite hashtags saved in your notes app - I use Evernote and my app (or use your text replacement) so that you can easily grab your hashtag bundles when you need them.

  • Think about what your potential followers and customers are looking for.  What words/phrases/things are they searching for? People search hashtags all the time to find photos & users to follow.

  • If you are going to post a lot of hashtags, post them in the first comment, below your photo so that after a few comments they are unseen by your followers and look less spammy. A few in the photo description is OK! But it is a personal preference. I prefer to drop my hashtags in the first comment to make my post nice and clean and clutter-free.

A brilliant strategy to follow using hashtags to help increase your followers is to follow Gary Vaynerchuk’s $1.80 strategy. Leave your 10 cents on the top 9 posts on 10 of your most targeted hashtags your following.

Read more about his strategy HERE

Watch a quick $1.80 overview HERE

Why not join my mini masterclass (with lots of extras)

7. Always add a location and tag your photos

Never skip this step. Tag any products or people or places in your photos. When you do this, companies whose products were tagged may see the photo, like it and share it for all the world to see.

8. Share Your Daily Story (5+ posts a day - min)

You have a place and your followers want to see you, they want to see your story. They want to see the real you, so show them, EVERY DAY and up to 10+ times a day. What did you do 10-minutes ago? Share it

  • Share fun life updates, family holidays, great shopping finds, new house projects, eating habits, fitness journeys, mum life, kid hacks. Too often we caught up in finding the right quote, or words, or description and we made the mistake of leaving one thing out, OURSELVES.

  • Look at your Instagram account as if it’s your own mini-instablog. When people can feel connected to you, when they can see you, they feel like they are a part of your world and we know what that means… they get to know, like & trust us more which results in referrals, recommendations, sales and potentially new team members!

  • Engage with your followers & ask them questions. I absolutely love engaging with my followers on Instagram, whether it’s through a poll, a question, or just asking them to direct message me their ideas.

9. Share your Instagram account everywhere

Include your Instagram handle in your emails, newsletters, blog posts, share it on Facebook, Twitter & beyond. Be sure that anyone where your people can find you, that your Instagram icon is clear and easy to find, why not use woobox and add a tab on your Facebook business page to ‘follow me on Instagram’.

I can’t stress the importance of networking enough. Find other accounts like yours. Follow them, shout them out, leave comments, ask them questions. You must be active on Instagram and make some insta-friends. The more people see your name pop up and tagged on their stories and comments, the more apt they are to follow you and start building a new relationship.

Save and search hashtags you use to find profiles to follow, check the explore posts section to find new profiles to follow, & start finding some new friends to interact with. I totally love the ‘search places’ feature and search that everyday for my local area so I can find new friends and build up my local connections!

10. Use what Instagram gave you

I mentioned this earlier about hashtags and I have to stress this point again, you will be rewarded by Instagram for using their features!

This includes going live and uploading a 3-minute video to IGTV

Go LIVE - Share a tip of the day or a weekly tip. Share something you learned this week that others may benefit from.

Do REELS - Sharing value, not what’s trending because everyone is doing that and gets a bit ‘same ‘ol’ so give 5-tips, share a ‘how to’ and create more watchability. Having 1000’s of views is great, but it’s converting them to customers, followers, or team members and all of this is much more important having views!!

IGTV - Share a product that can help someone today (its benefits/ingredients/features) 3 minutes should be enough (you don’t want to send people to sleep)

Here’s a Facebook Live I recently did over on my Facebook profile to help explain these tips a little deeper and in my usual straight and direct style!

These are just a few of my strategies and tips to grow your Instagram account and I hope they help you in growing your network marketing business.

If you want to take your Instagram a step further why not join my MASTERCLASS Be Gram-azing! Grab all the details below, it’s only £6.99!!

Don’t forget to come and hang out with me on my Instagram account. Click HERE

Do you want some more social tips for your Network Marketing/Direct Sales business? Join my Facebook Group HERE

Send me a DM and say Hi. Let me know if these tips helped you, I’d love to know you found me from this post!

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